Jan Spiegel

Written by Jan Spiegel

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Newscientist.com

Ostriches are fascinating creatures that capture the imagination with their unique characteristics and behaviors. As the largest living species of bird, these flightless birds are a marvel of the animal kingdom. Found primarily in the open savannahs and deserts of Africa, ostriches have adapted to survive in harsh environments and have developed some incredible attributes.

In this article, we will delve into 15 fascinating facts about ostriches that will leave you astonished and amazed. From their impressive size and speed to their peculiar nesting habits and extraordinary eyesight, ostriches have a wealth of intriguing qualities that set them apart from other avian species. So, let’s kick off our journey into the world of ostriches and explore the wonders of these remarkable creatures!

Key Takeaways:

  • Ostriches are the largest birds, with powerful legs and beautiful feathers. They can’t fly, but have impressive wingspans and large eggs. They are excellent weather forecasters and play an important ecological role.
  • Ostriches have incredible speed, long lifespan, and unique sounds. They are superb swimmers, have strong social structures, and a varied diet. Their nurturing parental roles and distinctive plumage make them truly remarkable animals.
Table of Contents

Ostriches are the largest birds in the world

Standing at an average height of 9 feet, ostriches are not only the world’s largest flightless birds but also the fastest runners, reaching speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.

Ostriches have powerful legs and a unique anatomy

Their strong legs have only two toes, which can deliver kicks capable of killing a predator.

Ostriches have beautiful and soft feathers

Distinctive for their black and white plumage, ostrich feathers are highly sought after for their use in fashion and decorative items.

Ostriches can’t fly, but they have impressive wingspans

Although they cannot take flight, their wings can span up to 7 feet, assisting them in maintaining balance and changing direction while running.

Ostriches have large eggs

With an average weight of 3 pounds, ostrich eggs are the largest and strongest of any living bird species.

The male ostriches are responsible for incubating the eggs

The males take turns incubating the eggs by sitting on them during the day, while the females defend the territory.

Ostriches have incredible eyesight

Their eyes are the largest of any land animal, providing them with excellent vision and the ability to detect predators from a great distance.

Ostriches have a unique defense mechanism

When threatened, ostriches will either flee on foot or use their powerful legs and sharp claws to defend themselves.

Ostriches have a strong social structure

They live in groups, known as flocks, which can range in size from 5 to 100 individuals.

Ostriches have a varied diet

They are omnivorous, feeding on a diet of plants, seeds, insects, small animals, and even stones, which help with digestion.

Ostriches are excellent weather forecasters

They can sense approaching storms and rainfall, often displaying changes in behavior before a weather event occurs.

Ostriches are superb swimmers

Contrary to popular belief, ostriches are adept swimmers and can cross bodies of water when necessary.

Ostriches have a long lifespan

They can live up to 40-45 years in the wild, and in captivity, their lifespan can extend up to 60 years.

Ostriches have unique sounds

They make various vocalizations, including booming sounds, drumming sounds, and hisses, to communicate with each other.

Ostriches play an important ecological role

As big herbivores, they contribute to seed dispersal, control insect populations, and help maintain the balance of their ecosystems.

These 15 fascinating facts about ostriches shed light on the incredible adaptations and behaviors of these majestic creatures. From their extraordinary speed and size to their nurturing parental roles and distinctive plumage, ostriches are truly remarkable animals.

So, the next time you come across an ostrich, remember these facts and appreciate the unique qualities that make them stand out in the animal kingdom!


In conclusion, ostriches are fascinating creatures with unique characteristics that set them apart from other animals. From their imposing size to their impressive speed and ability to adapt to various habitats, ostriches are truly remarkable. Their diet, reproductive behavior, and distinctive physical attributes make them a subject of intrigue and admiration. With their remarkable feathers, strong legs, and distinctive calls, ostriches have captured the attention and curiosity of people around the world. Whether you encounter them in the wild or observe them in a zoo, learning about ostriches will undoubtedly enhance your appreciation for the diverse and magnificent animal kingdom we share.


1. How fast can an ostrich run?

An ostrich is the fastest bird on land and can reach speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour (43 miles per hour).

2. Are ostriches capable of flight?

No, ostriches are flightless birds. Their wings are used for balance and courtship displays but not for flying.

3. How big are ostrich eggs?

Ostrich eggs are the largest eggs laid by any living bird. They can weigh about 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) and have a capacity equivalent to 24 chicken eggs.

4. What do ostriches eat?

Ostriches are herbivores and primarily feed on plants, seeds, fruits, and occasionally insects and small animals.

5. How long do ostriches live?

Ostriches have a lifespan of around 40 to 45 years in the wild.

6. Can ostriches swim?

Despite their large size and powerful legs, ostriches are not strong swimmers and typically avoid deep water.

7. How do ostriches defend themselves?

When threatened, ostriches use their strong legs to deliver powerful kicks that can be deadly to predators. They also have excellent vision and hearing, allowing them to detect potential dangers from afar.

8. Where do ostriches live?

Ostriches are native to the African savannas and deserts, but they can adapt to various habitats such as grasslands and semi-arid regions.

9. Do male and female ostriches look different?

Yes, male ostriches are typically larger and have black feathers, whereas females have smaller bodies and brown feathers. Males also have brighter colored beaks and more noticeable neck and leg feathers.

10. Are ostriches endangered?

No, ostriches are classified as a species of “Least Concern” on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List, indicating that they are not currently at risk of extinction.

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